Our Members
Full Bloom was founded in 2005 to create an intentional community committed to cultivating thriving relationships with one another and the earth. Our community currently consists of six member-owners (four of whom live on site), three children (one on site), and three full-time residents.
Ryan Ginn, Offsite Founding Member
About Ryan
I grew up on Lake Washington across the water from Seattle. I mostly played by the rules in my early life going to a good college preparatory boarding school then going on to Occidental College in Los Angeles where I studied Chinese Culture and International Relations.
While in postgraduate studies in Taiwan I experienced a psychological, emotional and physical crisis of sorts that compelled me to re-evaluate my life path. I eventually found my way to Green Gulch Zen Center and Farm which addressed my desire to experience true community, to learn ways to deal with debilitating depression and anxiety, and to learn ecological farming skills. After several years healing and learning from the rich environment at the Zen Center I decided to start my own ecologically oriented community with several of my good friends from Green Gulch: Jo Ferneau, Rosie Demmin and Eden Luz. Thus began Full Bloom, what is now an experiment of a couple decades in ecological and heart-based community. Over the last 7 years as Full Bloom has been growing so have I. I have delved deeply into the Somatic Arts such as Ecstatic Dance, Contact Improvisational Dance, Authentic Movement based performance art. I have also trained in various therapeutic modalities that integrate the body, the emotions and the psyche such as Hakomi, Voice Dialogue, and Emotional Intimacy(www.robertmasters.com).
About Eden
Born and raised in Baltimore City, Maryland, my first full bodied awakening to the aliveness of our world was through a wilderness skills camp at the age of thirteen. This nature immersion planted the desire to help others realize their interconnectedness with the natural world as well as with the deeper aspects of themselves.
Food, farming, and spiritual practices of yoga, breathwork, and meditation became my strongest paths of exploring my deeper connection with life. In 2001 I moved to California and interned at Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center to further my knowledge of organic farming and get in some meditation. It was out of my connections with Ryan and Rosie during my internship, that I came to Southern Oregon to help co-create this intentional community, fulfilling a dream I had since high school. I am finally entering adulthood in my relationship to this land and my beloved community members. I am opening to the sweetness of grounded love with my amazing partner Ryan, welcoming a child into the world, and creating home for the first time. A designer at heart, I am learning the art of manifesting my dreams in a sustained way. As a graduate in Ecological Agriculture from New College of California, I love systems design on the land and aspects of farming. My main focus and passion in the past few years is the exploration of the subtle and large energies of the body. While I spent most of my childhood fairly disconnected from my body, the last decade plus of my life has been about deepening my relationship with my body and the physical world. I have delved into the embodiment practices of ecstatic dance, tantric dance, yoga, and have trained as a massage therapist and cranial sacral therapist. I also love to work with my hands, whether in the garden, on a building project, or art. Living and growing with my community here on the land, holding open heart space and developing better communication skills is also very fulfilling to me
Eden Luz, Offsite Founding Member
About Rosie
My name is Rosie Demmin and I am one of the original founders and co-owners here at Full Bloom. I also co-own and run the bakery here, Rise Up! Artisan Bread, with my husband Jo. We have two teenage daughters who have been raised on the land here as well.
Living in community since 2006 has been a wild ride of joys, challenges and deep learning about myself and others. I like to say we are a social experiment in-process. We've learned a lot but there's always more to learn!
I am passionate about bread making and parenting, as well as music, forest-bathing, qigong, backpacking, and tending to the physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of myself, my family and my community. My parents live right down the road from us and are frequent guests here at community meals as well.
I also love being active in the larger community of the Applegate neighborhood, and events there-in, including the Little Apple Players, Battle of the Bands, and Cabaret. Jo and I are also currently in a band named Quale. Life is full and awesome!
Rosie Demmin, Founding Member
Jo Ferneau, Founding Member
About Jo
My name is Joseph Paul Ferneau, aka Jo. I ditched the "e" in Joe a long time ago in my former life as a psuedo gender-bending punk rock peace activist and musician of the mid-nineties in SF where I wore a lot of eyeliner, chains, giant baggy jeans and learned to love to dance.
I also learned that I wanted to connect to my deepest soul potential and spent 3 or 4 years at Zen Center getting right with myself and my relationship with nature, learning to meditate for long periods of time and farm the land. It was the most radical and revolutionary thing I had ever done.
I met Rosie and we fell in love at Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center circa 2002. After we got married and left the Zen Center in 2005, Ryan invited us to start a farm and community with him and we joyfully accepted. We decided to start a bakery on the land to complement the farming that would be happening.
In the years since, we have started so many beautiful things: a community (Full Bloom), a bakery (Rise Up! Artisan Bread), a beautiful and inspired family (Ocean and Skye), and multiple bands including The Guardians of Sleep, Metamorphic, and most recently, Quale. Rosie and I parent, live, work, create together, and love each other more deeply than ever. I am so encouraged.
After a year of struggling to overcome a diagnosis with Lymes in 2023, I am on the mend. I have been immersed in intensive physical recovery for the better part of the last year. I value self care on a whole new level. And music is a huge part of that for me as well. I value a healthy balance between spending time alone or with family and with the community, relying on the community agreements framework we've established over the years to manage much of my community engagements.
We have had great joys and rough times and I stay committed to growing and learning about myself and how to be honest with myself and others. I love the path we are on and the many many incredible beings I’ve been blessed to live and work with all these years. Rock on heart warriors!
About Seth
I was born in Corvallis, Oregon and was raised in South Beach (Newport) and Siletz, Oregon. As a youth, my positive life experiences with the Boy Scouts in combination with growing up in rural Oregon provided me with a deep connection to the natural world, high integrity, accountability, openness, and honesty. I continuously strive to actively and creatively balance ecology and the human-built environment.
My wife Becca and I own and operate a small herbal wellness products business, Nymph and Woodsman Wellness, focused on herbs we wildcraft and cultivate at Full Bloom. In addition to my work with wildcrafting and cultivating medicinal plants, product development, and customer sales and marketing, I manage facilities and maintenance for Earth and Sky LLC, Full Bloom Community, and Rise Up! Artisan Bread Bakery. I am also a member-owner land steward for Earth and Sky LLC, the managing structure and land holder here at Full Bloom.
Before moving to Southern Oregon in 2017, I worked at PAE (Portland/Eugene offices) designing high performance buildings/schools; as a laboratory manager for the Green Building Research Laboratory at Portland State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering; as a Niihau dive master for Bubbles Below Scuba Charters in Kauai, Hawaii; as a self-employed aircraft mechanic in Big Lake, AK; and a medic in the US Army.
I graduated from high school in Newport, Oregon, class of ’87; in 1995 I received an associates degree in Aviation Maintenance from University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska; and in 2012 I earned a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.
I enjoy growing things; searching for treasures (living and inanimate); finding creative solutions to challenging problems; and developing skills for deep communication, my own inner development, and living in community at Full Bloom.
Seth Moody, Member
About Becca
I grew up about a mile from Lake Michigan just north north of Chicago in Evanston, Illinois. Growing up, I spent as much time as possible in and on the shores of the lake because it was the wildest landscape I had access to, and I longed for wild nature.
I got a degree in Environmental Studies and Adventure Education at Prescott College in 1999, then followed my high-mountain dreams to Bozeman, Montana, where I spent a few years baking at the local food co-op, cross-country skiing and hiking my heart out, making some of the best friends of my life, and filling notebooks with my endless stream of thoughts. In 2002, I moved to Missoula to earn a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies and Creative Writing at the University of Montana.
Upon graduation, I surprised myself by moving to Portland, Oregon, to be near my dearest friends. While there I facilitated experiential writing workshops and retreats though my business Ibex Studios, taught environmental studies and creative writing for Prescott College, and baked bread.
After seven years in the city, I finally fulfilled my dream of living in a cabin in the woods by moving to Breitenbush Hot Springs where I cooked, led mindfulness and creative writing workshops, offered tarot + astrology sessions, discovered drawing, and met Seth. We fell in love fast and moved down to Southern Oregon create a sun-filled life of love and beauty.
In 2019 we moved to Full Bloom and are now member-owners. I have grown, healed, and learned a tremendous amount about myself, interpersonal communication, trauma-informed leadership, group facilitation, transformative conflict practices, and healing modalities during my years here, and I am excited for all the growth and learning to come.
I devote much of my time to Nymph and Woodsman Wellness, the herbal products business I co-own with Seth; leading workshops and facilitating parts-work sessions through my private practice at Evolutionary Human; hiking, backpacking, reading, and drawing all over our land and the wilds beyond; swimming in our pond and creek; and hunting for treasures of the earth and soul with my Woodsman.