
A Day of Delights: An Equinox Gathering

A Day of Delights: An Equinox Gathering

Join us for a Day of Delights!

This Spring Equinox event is an opportunity for all of us to gather, connect with one another and the land, and celebrate the shift from winter to spring. This event is free for children and members of our Patreon Membership Community, $10-$20 requested donation for non-members. No one will be turned away for a lack of funds. Except dogs. Please leave your dogs at home.

We’ll begin at 2:15 pm with a hike on our land that will end in a simple Equinox ritual. You’re welcome to join us or hang back to drink tea and socialize. You can rotate between getting toasty in the sauna, playing cornhole by the pond, and hanging out in the commons with games and creative projects. We’ll share a simple vegetarian daal around 6pm, and you’re invited to bring snacks and treats to share.

Come for some or all it! Please RSVP here. For more information, contact us.

Directions and details will be sent out as the event nears.

DAY OF DELIGHTS SCHEDULE ~ Choose your own adventure!

Freeform all afternoon

Sauna, lounging, games and crafts in the Common Building, cornhole, napping, snacking, talking, exploring, creek stomping…

Bring games and snacks to share if you’d like!

Planned Activities

2:15-3:00: Land walk

3:00-3:45: Equinox Ritual in Winter Camp

5:00-6ish: Community Writing Circle in the Library (or outside!)

6ish-8:00: Share daal, rice, and finger foods (bring some snacks to share!)

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Full Bloom 20 Year Anniversary Celebration!

Full Bloom 20 Year Anniversary Celebration!

Summer Solstice Save the Date!

We are celebrating the Summer Solstice and 20 years of community life at Full Bloom on June 21st, 2025! We will have activities, Battle of the Bands, a grazing table, tarot + astrology readings, and more. More details to come.

This celebration is also a fundraiser for our farm + land stewardship projects and housing.

To stay in the loop, join our Extended Family at Patreon or sign up for our mailing list.

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Closing The Space Between Us: A matrix circle

Closing The Space Between Us: A matrix circle

Connecting from the Heart

We have a Matrix Circle once each month at Full Bloom and we’re excited to share them with our broader community! In each circle, the facilitator brings a question to the group that inspires thoughtful reflection. Recent topics have included, How did conflict show up in your family of origin? What is a personal story you are currently trying to let go of or revise? Tell us about a time that your plans took an unexpected turn. What role has music played in your life?

Taking turns, each participant picks one person to share with for a set amount of time (usually about four minutes) while the entire group bears witness. The listener then responds with a statement about how the speaker impacted them. Sometimes we create space for folks to ask follow-up questions of the speaker, but we agree not to give advice or parrot back what we heard. And then the listener becomes the one who shares until the circle is complete.

In our onland community, these circles were designed to help us get to know one another better, connect deeply with members we may otherwise spend little time with, create space for personal reflection, and to practice vulnerability. We believe that these circles can help create a strong foundation for communities of all kinds, and we are excited to create a welcoming space for you to connect genuinely with others.

To participate, consider becoming a member of our Extended Family through Patreon.

If you’d like to drop in without becoming a member, we request a $10-$20 donation. Your generosity supports our facilitation and ongoing land stewardship projects.

About our Monthly Connection Circles

Our monthly Community Connection Circles are an opportunity to connect with ourselves and others in a heart-centered, authentic way. They rotate between freewriting sessions, sharing/matrix circles, and book groups. They are free for for our Extended Family members. If you’re not yet a member of our Patreon Community, we request a $10-$20 drop-in donation to support our facilitation and ongoing land stewardship efforts.

Sign up for our mailing list or join our Extended Family to stay in the loop!

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Wild Inside: An online writing circle

Wild Inside: An online writing circle

Ninety Minutes of Inner Freedom!

If you want to get in touch with your truest + wildest self, abandon your critical mind, unleash your creativity, come into the present, loosen your grip, embrace imperfection, practice vulnerability, and connect with others in an authentic way, come write with us!

With over 25 years experience facilitating writing circles, Becca is committed to creating a safe, playful space for both introspection and connection. No writing experience or expertise necessary!

To participate, please become a member of our Extended Family through Patreon.

If you’d like to drop in without becoming a member, we request a $20-$30 donation. Please contact us for more information and payment.

About our Connection Circles

Our monthly Community Connection Circles are an opportunity to connect with ourselves and others in a heart-centered, authentic way. They rotate between freewriting sessions, sharing/matrix circles, and book groups. They are free for for our Extended Family members. If you’re not yet a member of our Patreon Community, we request a $20 drop-in donation.

Sign up for our mailing list or join our Extended Family to stay in the loop!

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