Watch this video to get a glimpse of life at Full Bloom in 2014.
Though the children have grown, Ryan and Eden have moved to Ashland, and our farming is presently focused on wildflower seed, our core values and the wild beauty remain unchanged.
Scroll down to see more photos of life at Full Bloom.

Full Bloom Farm

Foraging workshop by the creek

The Common Building and Rise Up! Bakery

Our swimming pond and sauna

View of the farm and Dutchman Peak beyond

Stained glass in the Common Building

Wild strawberries abound!

Wild turkeys

Wild rose

Resting during Work Together Day

Jo loading pizza in the wood-fired oven

Rosie and Jo at Battle of the Bands


The field in autumn

The Cottage

Planting Oregon Sunshine starts

Nettles harvest

Relaxing on the stage

Making apple cider

Rosie in the field

Straw bale building


The community bath house


Winter field

Pond reflecting sky

Cottage interior

Common Building ceiling

Seth and the kids

Exploring the land on skis

Putting in our irrigation pipe

Little Applegate Players

Working with fire

School visit to bakery

The Demmin-Ferneaus

Rosie and Jo's band

Our stage

Pizza party!

Battle of the Bands

The Common Building + Bakery

Meeting closure

Meeting in the library

A completed agenda!

Handful of calendula

Praying mantis

Jo, Rosie, and baby Ocean, 2007

Battle of the Bands


Friends in the Farm House

Ocean and Skye

Rosie and Ocean

Pond play


Practicing with our fire hoses

Quale album shot

Community garden

Calendula in the community garden

Sawing wood for winter fires

One of the many beautiful roads to walk here

The Oak Pond

Goldenrod processing on the library porch

On Dutchman Peak

Culinary sage in the kitchen garden

Kitchen garden


Wild fermented pickles

Plums galore!

Harvesting wild plums by Quartz Creek

Plums + Pug

Cooking for community

Making salve in the Common Building

Cider press party!

Cider press

Rise Up! Bread Bakery

A new year's eve hike with friends nearby

The Siskiyous

Full Bloom in late winter

Setting up for a show in the Common Building

Easter egg hunt


Found it!


Bucket o' cherries