Skye during community fun day

Community Fun Time

We made a recent decision as a community to have one of our weekly Tuesday afternoon meetings be for fun instead of logistics.  We realized that sometimes there’s a need to schedule fun, and a postpone the endless “issues” that come from living in community. Currently we have one afternoon a month for the whole gaggle of us to do something like play in the pond together, go picnicking on the river, or roller skating in town.  It all depends on who volunteers to lead the fun time and we end up being at their mercy so to speak.

This past fun time we were led up to the pond for a tug of war contest over the pond with the losers being dragged into the pond.  After that there was contest to see who could stand on the old pond surfboard the longest.  Ocean is pictured below as she stands resolutely for over one minute.  The closest any of the adults got to her was 4 seconds.


Sky, Ocean’s sister, displaying her unadorned cuteness with the siskiyou crest as a backdrop.


Like a Zen Master on top of a 40 ft pole, Ocean stands with unwavering resolve on her surfboard in the middle of the pond.


Contest Onlookers hangin’ pond side.

I think we could definitely increase the fun to work ratio around here, but it’s certainly a good start.

It’s the game of life. Do I win or do I lose? One day they’re gonna shut the game down. I gotta have as much fun and go around the board as many times as I can before it’s my turn to leave.
Tupac Shakur



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