
Raw zucchini flax “bread” – what to do when you’re awash with zucchini…

If you’ve ever grown a couple of zucchini plants you know that there comes a point in the season where a your swimming in them, and where a couple of them get away from you and they end up the size of a small child.  Well I’ve discovered my answer to this common culinary quandary:  Raw zucchini flax “bread”.  It may not be your cup of tea but I find it an an awesome alternative to tortillas, bread, and other high carb, gluten rich fare.  And plus I can be a hero to all my community mates that are walking around saying “What are we going to do with all these zucchinis!?”


Here I am in the Full Bloom commercial kitchen with all my ingredients ready to toss em’ together and make some olive zucchini bread!

I never use a recipe, but to get you started I would suggest the following proportions:

6 cups ground Flax

12 cups grated zucchini

2 cups olives

fresh rosemary, basil, and oregano salt to taste

1/2 cup olive oil

mix it all together and taste it.  Do you like it?  Does it have enough salt? rosemary? add more.  Or maybe you want to toss in some jalepenos or some grated carrots?  Spread out onto your dehydrator sheets and dehydrate to desired pliability (tortilla like or cracker like)


Here’s all the ingredients in a bowl prior to mixing

Have Fun and let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
