My dear friend and land mate Rosie helping me hoe the potato bed.

I grew up on Lake Washington across the water from Seattle.  I mostly played by the rules in my early life going to a good college preparatory boarding school then going on to Occidental College in Los Angeles where I studied Chinese Culture and International Relations.  While in postgraduate studies in Taiwan I experienced a psychological, emotional and physical crisis of sorts that compelled me to re-evaluate my life path.  I eventually found my way to Green Gulch Zen center and Farm which addressed my desire to experience true community, to learn ways to deal with debilitating depression and anxiety, and to learn ecological farming skills.  After several years healing and learning from the rich environment at the Zen Center I decided to start my own ecologically oriented community with several of my good friends from Green Gulch: Jo Ferneau, Rosie Demmin and Eden Luz.  Thus began Full Bloom, what is now a 9 year experiment in ecological and heart based community.  Over the last 7 years as Full Bloom has been growing so have I.  I have delved deeply into the Somatic Arts such as Ecstatic Dance, Contact Improvisational Dance, Authentic Movement based performance art.  I have also trained in various therapeutic modalities that integrate the body, the emotions and the psyche such as Hakomi, Voice Dialogue, and Emotional Intimacy(